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Newsweek Europe
reading"Newsweek is the only truly global newsmagazine, covering events and people that shape the world - from Europe to Latin Ameri..
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Global Talk - cheap pre-paid phone calling cards
reduce your bills"The Cheapest Prepaid Phone Cards & Cheapest Prepaid Calling Cards. IDT Calls for the cheapest Europe Internationalprepaid ph..
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Time Magazine - international perspective on important issues
reading"Published weekly, TIME is desired and required reading for influential and internationally-minded executives throughout Euro..
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Argos pet insurance, travel insurance & finance
personal insurance"Pet Insurance: Argos offers cover for cats and dogs from the age of 8 weeks. There is a choice of cover with silver, gold an..
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Kelkoo UK - shopping price comparison
reduce your bills"Kelkoo is one of the largest shopping comparison sites in Europe providing users with the knowledge they need to go on and m..
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