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eCar/eBike/eVan/eHome - Insurance
"Why would a customer choose us?
* 100% online, so..
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Rebtel - cheap international calls from your mobile
reduce your bills"Rebtel offers cheap long distance and international phone calls via your mobile phone. Compared to regular telephone service..
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Talk Talk - home phone & broadband
broadband internet providers"Talk Talk is the home phone company from The Carphone Warehouse, which guarantees to be cheaper than BT. Their site has been..
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Energy Helpline Business - independent energy broker
business services"Energy Helpline is the UK’s leading independent business energy broker. They have access to prices from the most competitive..
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AIG Motor insurance
personal insurance"AIG Motor insurance:
• We always give you our best price whether you are a new or existing customer
• We guarantee to refund..
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